Baños, Ecuador

Baños, Ecuador

Baños Ecuador

Baños de Agua Santa commonly referred to as Baños, is a city in eastern Tungurahua Province, in central Ecuador. Baños is the second most populous city in Tungurahua, after Ambato, the capital, and is a major tourist center. It is known as the "Gateway to the Amazon", as it's the last big city still located in the mountains before reaching the jungle and other towns that are located in the Amazon River basin. Baños is located on the northern foothills of the Tungurahua volcano, at an elevation of 1,820 metres whose activity has been characterized by frequent powerful ash explosions and lava flows can be seen from Banos.
Empfohlener Flughafen
Mariscal Sucre Intl (UIO)
Ausflugsziele in der Nähe
  • Salcedo a 43,51 km
  • Chimborazo a 34,31 km
  • Puyo a 47,99 km

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Mietwagenrundreise Ecuador kompakt & Galapagos Inselhopping

13 Ziele 7 Flüge/Transporte 20 Nächte 4 Transfers
Mietwagenrundreise Ecuador kompakt & Galapagos Inselhopping
ab 2.767 € Pro person
Reisepaket ansehen
Ziele: Quito, Cotopaxi, Riobamba, Baños, Napo (Provinz), Yaruqui, Otavalo, Quito, San Cristobal Island, Galápagos Islands, Isla Santa Cruz, Isabela Island, Galápagos Islands, Isla Santa Cruz, Guayaquil